Cremations & Crematorium

Request To Be Cremated Locally

Today, an increasing number of Catholics are
choosing cremation as opposed to casket burial.

The Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall owns and operates the crematorium at Notre-Dame Cemetery.

Families can be assured that the cremation takes place with reverence and respect. We will meet and exceed industry standards. Cremation is available to Catholics and their families as well as to people of other faiths and cultures.

All of our Catholic cemeteries have ground lots for the burial of cremated remains, as well some have outdoor niches for cremation urns. We do not provide scattering gardens because separating cremated remains is contrary to Catholic teaching.

We also operate our own crematorium, located at Notre-Dame Cemetery, which provides assurance to families that the cremation will take place with the reverence and respect consistent with Catholic tradition.

When making funeral arrangements, do not assume that you or your loved one will be cremated here in Cornwall. If you do not specify that you want to be cremated locally, you may go elsewhere.

We are always adding new choices for niches at most of our cemeteries and most recently have installed the Legacy Units at Notre-Dame Cemetery on South Branch Road.

 Call us NOW to learn more:  613-933-4331

South Branch Crematorium housing our new
Pyrox Cremator using the latest technology.

Click HERE to learn more

Urns Now Available For Purchase at
Notre-Dame On South Branch.

  Call us NOW to learn more:  613-933-4331